What's new in Angular 6?

Angular 6.0.0 is here!

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It has a really big novelty which is not really a feature: the new Ivy renderer. As it is still experimental, I’ll close this article with it. We’ll start at first with the other new features and breaking changes.

We made a little video to give you an overview of the new features. If you want to dive deeper into what has changed, keep on reading after watching it ;).

Tree-shakeable providers

There is now a new, recommended, way to register a provider, directly inside the @Injectable() decorator, using the new providedIn attribute. It accepts 'root' as a value or any module of your application. When you use 'root', your injectable will be registered as a singleton in the application, and you don’t need to add it to the providers of the root module. Similarly, if you use providedIn: UsersModule, the injectable is registered as a provider of the UsersModule without adding it to the providers of the module.

  providedIn: 'root'
export class UserService {


This new way has been introduced to have a better tree-shaking in the application. Currently a service added to the providers of a module will end up in the final bundle, even if it is not used in the application, which is a bit sad. And if you use lazy-loading, you can fall in a bunch of traps or end up with the service bundled in the “wrong” place.

It should not happen often in applications (if you write a service, you usually use it), but third party modules sometimes offer services that you don’t use, and you end up with a big bundle of useless JavaScript.

So it will be especially useful for library developers, but it is now the recommended way to register an injectable even for application developpers. The new CLI will even scaffold a service with providedIn: 'root' by default now.

In the same spirit, you can now declare an InjectionToken and directly register it with providedIn and give it a factory:

 export const baseUrl = new InjectionToken<string>('baseUrl', {
    providedIn: 'root',
    factory: () => 'http://localhost:8080/'

Note that it also simplifies unit testing. We used to register the service in the providers of the testing module to be able to test it. Before:

beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({
  providers: [UserService]

Now, if the UserService uses providedIn: 'root':

beforeEach(() => TestBed.configureTestingModule({}));

Don’t worry though: all the services registered with providedIn aren’t loaded in the test, they are instantiated lazily, only when they are really needed.

RxJS 6

Angular 6 now uses RxJS 6 internally, and requires you to update your application also.

And… RxJS 6 changed the way to import things!

In RxJS 5, you were probably writing:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/of';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

const squares$: Observable<number> = Observable.of(1, 2)
  .map(n => n * n);

RxJS 5.5 introduced the pipeable operators:

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

const squares$: Observable<number> = of(1, 2).pipe(
  map(n => n * n)

And RxJS 6.0 changed the imports:

import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';
import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

const squares$: Observable<number> = of(1, 2).pipe(
  map(n => n * n)

So, one day, you’ll have to change the imports across your application. I say “one day” and not “right now” because RxJS released a library called rxjs-compat, that allows you to bump RxJS to version 6.0 even if you, or one of the libraries you’re using, is still using one of the “old” syntaxes.

The Angular team wrote a complete document to explain all this, it’s a must read when you’ll start your Angular 6.0 migration.

Note that a very cool set of tslint rules has been released called rxjs-tslint. It just contains 4 rules that, when added to your project, will automatically migrate all your RxJS imports and RxJS code to the brand new version with a simple tslint --fix! Because, if you don’t know about it, tslint has a fix option that will autocorrect all the violations it can! It can be used in an even simpler way by installing globally rxjs-tslint and running rxjs-5-to-6-migrate -p src/tsconfig.app.json. I gave rxjs-tslint a try on one of our projects, and it worked fairly well (run it at least twice to also collapse all the imports). Check out the project README to learn more: https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs-tslint.

If you want to discover more about RxJS 6.0, you can watch this talk by Ben Lesh at ng-conf.


The big one for i18n is the upcoming possibility to have “runtime i18n”, without having to build the application once per locale. This is not yet available (there are just prototypes for now), and it will need the Ivy renderer to work (continue reading to know what that is). So we will probably have to wait a few weeks/months before using it.

Another i18n-related change has landed, and this one is immediately available. The currency pipe was improved in a way that makes a lot of sense: it will not round every currency with 2 digits anymore, but will round the currency to the most appropriate digit number (which can be 3 like for the Arabic Dinar of Bahrain, or 0 like for the Chilean Pesos).

If you need to, you can retrieve this value programmatically by using the new i18n function getNumberOfCurrencyDigits.

Other formatting functions have also been exposed publicly, like formatDate, formatCurrency, formatPercent, and formatNumber.

Pretty handy if you need to apply the same transformations than what the pipes do, but from within your TypeScript code.


The polyfill web-animations-js is not necessary anymore for animations in Angular 6.0, except if you are using the AnimationBuilder. Your application may have won a few precious bytes! In the case that the browser does not support the element.animate API, Angular 6.0 will fallback to CSS keyframes.

Angular Elements

Angular Elements is a project that lets you wrap your Angular components as Web Components and embed them in a non-Angular application. This project has been existing for a few months but was in the “Angular Labs” previously (in other words, was still experimental). With v6, it’s now a little bit pushed in the front and officially part of the framework. As it is a big topic by itself, we have a dedicated blog post about it (coming soon).


When you want to grab a reference to an element in your template, you can use @ViewChild or @ViewChildren or even inject the host ElementRef directly. The drawback, in Angular 5.0 or older, is that the said ElementRef had its nativeElement property typed as any.

In Angular 6.0, you can now type ElementRef more strictly if you want:

@ViewChild('loginInput') loginInput: ElementRef<HTMLInputElement>;

ngAfterViewInit() {
  // nativeElement is now an `HTMLInputElement`

Deprecations and breaking changes

Let’s talk about what you should be aware of before attempting a migration!

preserveWhitespaces: false by default

In the “bad things that can happen when you upgrade” section, note that preserveWhitespaces is now false by default. This option was introduced in Angular 4.4, and if you want to know what to expect, you should read our blog post about that. Spoiler: it may be completely fine or break your layouts.

ngModel and reactive forms

It used to be possible to have ngModel and formControl on the same form fields, but this is now deprecated and the support will be removed in Angular 7.0.

It was a bit confusing and was probably not doing exactly what you were expecting (ngModel was not the directive you know, but an input/output on the formControl directive doing slightly the same job, but not exactly the same job). We thought it was confusing too, so we removed the chapter talking about that in our ebook 6 months ago.

So using code like:

<input [(ngModel)]="user.name" [formControl]="nameCtrl">

will now yield a warning.

You can configure your app to emit the warning always (the default), once or never:

imports: [
    warnOnNgModelWithFormControl: 'never'

Anyway, to prepare for Angular 7, you should migrate your code to use either a template-driven form or a reactive form.

Project Ivy: the new (new) Angular renderer

Soooo…. This is the 4th major release of Angular (2, 4, 5, 6), and the 3rd rewrite of the renderer!

For those who don’t know: Angular compiles your templates into equivalent TypeScript code. This TypeScript code is then compiled along with the TypeScript you wrote into JavaScript code, and the result is shipped to your users. And we are now on the 3rd version of this Angular renderer (the first was in the original release Angular 2.0, and the second in Angular 4.0).

This new version of the renderer does not change how you write your templates, but comes with improvements in several fields:

  • build time
  • bundle size

This is still very experimental, and the new Ivy renderer is behind a flag that you have to explicitly set in the compiler options (in the tsconfig.json file) if you want to give it a try.

"angularCompilerOptions": {
  "enableIvy": true

Be warned that it is probably not very reliable, so don’t use it in production right now. It will probably not even work right now. But it will become the default in a near future, so you can give it a spin to see if that works for your app, and what you gain.

Let’s dive into what differs between the old renderer, and the Ivy renderer. You can skip the following sections if you are not interested in the details.

Code generated with the old renderer

Let’s take a small example: a PonyComponent taking a PonyModel (with a name and a color) as input, and displaying an image depending on the color, and displaying the name of the pony.

It looks like:

  selector: 'ns-pony',
  template: `<div>
    <ns-image [src]="getPonyImageUrl()"></ns-image>
export class PonyComponent {
  @Input() ponyModel: PonyModel;

  getPonyImageUrl() {
    return `images/${this.ponyModel.color}.png`;

The renderer introduced in Angular 4 generated a class for each template, called a ngfactory. It would contain (simplified code):

export function View_PonyComponent_0() {
  return viewDef(0, [
    elementDef(0, 0, null, null, 4, "div"),
    elementDef(1, 0, null, null, 1, "ns-image", View_ImageComponent_0),
    directiveDef(2, 49152, null, 0, i2.ImageComponent, { src: [0, "src"] }),
    elementDef(3, 0, null, null, 1, "div"),
    elementDef(4, null, ["", ""])
  ], function (check, view) {
    var component = view.component;
    var currVal_0 = component.getPonyImageUrl();
    check(view, 2, 0, currVal_0);
  }, function (check, view) {
    var component = view.component;
    var currVal_1 = component.ponyModel.name;
    check(view, 4, 0, currVal_1);

This is hard to read, but the main parts of this code are:

  • the structure of the DOM to create, containing element definitions (figure, img, figcaption), their attributes, and text node definitions. Each part of the DOM structure in the view definition array is represented by its index.
  • change detection functions, containing the code used to check if the expressions used in the template evaluate to the same values as before. Here, it checks the result of the getPonyImageUrl method and if it changes, updates the value of the input of the image component. Same with the name of the pony: if it changes, it updates the text node displaying it.

Code generated with Ivy

With Angular 6 and the enableIvy flag set to true, the same example doesn’t generate a separate ngfactory but inlines the information directly in a static field of the component itself (simplified code):

export class PonyComponent {

    static ɵcmp = defineComponent({
      type: PonyComponent,
      selector: [['ns-pony']],
      factory: () => new PonyComponent(),
      template: (renderFlag, component) {
        if (renderFlag & RenderFlags.Create) {
          elementStart(0, 'figure');
          elementStart(1, 'ns-image');
          elementStart(2, 'div');
        if (renderFlag & RenderFlags.Update) {
          property('src' component.getPonyImageUrl());
      inputs: { ponyModel: 'ponyModel' },
      directives: () => [ImageComponent];

    // ... rest of the class


Everything is now contained in this static field. The template attribute contains the equivalent of the ngfactory we used to have, but with a slightly different structure. The template function will be run on every change like before, but has 2 modes:

  • a creation mode when the component is first created and which contains the static DOM nodes to create
  • the rest of the function executed on every change (update the image source if necessary and the text node).

What does that change?

All decorators are now inlined directly into their classes (it’s the same for @Injectable, @Pipe, @Directive) and can be generated with only the knowledge of the current decorator. This is what the Angular team calls the “locality principal”: to re-compile a component, there is no need to analyze the application again.

The generated code is slightly smaller, but more importantly some dependencies are now decoupled, allowing for a faster recompilation when you change one part of the application. It also plays much nicer with modern bundlers like Webpack, and will now really tree-shake the parts of the framework that you don’t use. For example if you have no pipe in your application, the code in the framework that is necessary to interpret pipes is not even included in the final bundle.

Angular used to produce heavy code. That’s not necessarily a problem, but an Hello World application was way too heavy: 37kb after minification and compression. With Ivy-generated code, the tree-shaking process is much more efficient, resulting in smaller bundles \o/. The Hello World is now 7.3kb minified, and only 2.7kb after compression, which is a huuuuuge difference. The TodoMVC app is 12.2kb after compression. These numbers are from the Angular team, and we couldn’t come with some others as you still have to manually patch Ivy to make it work as we speak.

Check out the keynote from ng-conf if you want to learn more.

Compatibility with existing libraries

You might be wondering what will happen with libraries that have already been published using the previous packaging format if your project uses Ivy. Don’t worry, the renderer will produce Ivy-compatible version of the dependencies of your project, even if they are not compiled with Ivy. I’ll spare you the gory details, but it should be transparent to us.

New features

Let’s see what new features we’ll have with this new renderer.

Private properties in templates

The new renderer adds a new feature or potential change.

It is a direct result of the fact that the template function is inlined in a static field of the component: we can now have private properties of our components used in templates. This was not possible until then, and forced us to have all the fields and methods of the component used in the template to be public, as they ended up in a different class (the ngfactory). Accessing a private property from another class would have failed the TypeScript compilation. This is no longer the case: as the template function is inside a static field, it has access to the private properties of the component.

I saw a comment from the Angular team saying that it was not recommended to use private properties in templates, even if it is now possible, as it may not be the case in the future… So you should probably continue to use only public fields in your templates! Anyway, it makes unit tests easier to write, as the test can inspect the state of the component without having to actually generate and inspect the DOM to do so.

Runtime i18n

Note that this new renderer will now allow to have the much awaited possibility of having “runtime i18n”. This is not completely ready, but we saw a few commits that are good signs!

The cool thing is that you should not have to change your application a lot if you are already using i18n. But this time instead of building your application one time for each locale you want to support, you will be able to just load a JSON containing the translations for each locale, and Angular will take care of the rest!

Libraries with AoT code

Right now, a library released on NPM must publish a metadata.json file, and can’t publish the AoT code from its components. Which is sad, because we have to pay the cost of this build in our applications. With Ivy, the metadata file is no longer necessary and library authors should be able to directly ship AoT code to NPM!

Better stack traces

The generated code should now allow for better stack traces when you have an issue in your templates, by yielding a nice error with the line of the template at fault. It will even allow us to put break points in the templates and see what really is going on in Angular.

NgModule will disappear?

It is a far-fetched goal, but in the future we might not need NgModules anymore. This is what tree-shakeable providers are starting to tell us, and it looks like Ivy has the necessary starting blocks for the team to try to remove the need for NgModules (or at least make them less annoying). This is not for right now though, we’ll have to be patient.

This release doesn’t bring a lot of new features, but Ivy is definitely interesting for the future. Give it a try and tell us how it goes for you!

All our materials (ebook, online training and training) are up-to-date with these changes if you want to learn more!

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