What's new in Angular 16.1?

Angular 16.1.0 is here!

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This is a minor release with some nice features: let’s dive in!

TypeScript 5.1 support

Angular v16.1 now supports TypeScript 5.1. This means that you can use the latest version of TypeScript in your Angular applications. You can check out the TypeScript 5.1 release notes to learn more about the new features.

Transform input values

Angular v16.1 introduces a new transform option in the @Input decorator. It allows transforming the value passed to the input before it is assigned to the property. The transform option takes a function that takes the value as input and returns the transformed value. As the most common use cases are to transform a string to a number or a boolean, Angular provides two built-in functions to do that: numberAttribute and booleanAttribute in @angular/core.

Here is an example of using booleanAttribute:

@Input({ transform: booleanAttribute }) disabled = false;

This will transform the value passed to the input to a boolean so that the following code will work:

<my-component disabled></my-component>
<my-component disabled="true"></my-component>
<!-- Before, only the following was properly working -->
<my-component [disabled]="true"></my-component>

The numberAttribute function works the same way but transforms the value to a number.

@Input({ transform: numberAttribute }) value = 0;

It also allows to define a fallback value, in case the input is not a proper number (default is NaN):

@Input({ transform: (value: unknown) => numberAttribute(value, 42) }) value = 0;

This can then be used like this:

<my-component value="42"></my-component>
<my-component value="not a number"></my-component>
<!-- Before, only the following was properly working -->
<my-component [value]="42"></my-component>

Fetch backend for the Angular HTTP client

The HTTP client has a new backend implementation based on the Fetch API.

This is an experimental and opt-in feature, that you can enable with:


It does not support the progress reports on uploads, and of course, requires a browser that supports the Fetch API. The fetch API is also experimental on Node but available without flags from Node 18 onwards.

This is mainly interesting for server-side rendering, as the XHR implementation is not supported natively in Node and requires a polyfill (which has some issues).

Angular CLI

The CLI now has a --force-esbuild option that allows forcing the usage of esbuild for ng serve. It allows trying the esbuild implementation without switching the builder in angular.json (and keeping the Webpack implementation for the ng build command).

The esbuild builder has been improved. It now pre-bundles the dependencies using the underlying Vite mechanism, uses some persistent cache for the TypeScript compilation and Vite pre-bundling, and shows the estimated transfer sizes of the built assets as the Webpack builder does.


That’s all for this release, stay tuned!

All our materials (ebook, online training and training) are up-to-date with these changes if you want to learn more!

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