What's new in Angular 5?

Angular 5.0.0 is here!

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We made a little video to give you an overview of the new features. If you want to dive deeper into what has changed, keep on reading after watching it ;).

Angular compiler is now much faster and more powerful!

As you may know, Angular has two ways to work:

  • one where the templates are compiled at runtime (Just in time, JiT)
  • one where the templates are compiled at build time (Ahead of time, AoT)

The second way is far better, as the work is done on the developer’s machine at build time, and not for each user at runtime, making the application start faster. It also allows compiling all the templates of the application and catch errors early. But this compiler was a bit slow before Angular 5.0, and as a result, most of us were using the JiT mode in development and the AoT mode only for production (that’s what Angular CLI does by default).

The main reason for this slowness was that every template change was triggering a full compilation of the application! That’s no longer the case: leveraging the new “pipeline transformer” ability of the TypeScript compiler (introduced in TS 2.3, as I was talking about in my previous article), the Angular compiler, ngc, is now able to only compile what is necessary with the introduction of a new watch mode:

ngc --watch

A new flag --diagnostics has also been introduced to print how much time the compiler spent on a compilation in watch mode.

We can expect the Angular CLI to use this new watch mode and it will probably become the default mode very soon!

The compiler can also check more thoroughly your templates, with the new option fullTemplateTypeCheck. It can for example catch that a pipe is not used with the proper type:

<!-- lowercase expects a string -->
<div>{{ 12.3 | lowercase }}</div>

This example will compile with ngc but not if fullTemplateTypeCheck is activated:

Argument of type '12.3' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'

It can also analyze the local variables referencing a directive in your templates. For example, let’s say you created a variable to reference a ngModel, and want to access the hasError() method, but made a typo:

<input [(ngModel)]="user.password" required #loginCtrl="ngModel">
<!-- typo in `hasError()` method -->
<div *ngIf="loginCtrl.hasEror('required')">Password required</div>

This will also compile with ngc, except if fullTemplateTypeCheck is activated:

Property 'hasEror' does not exist on type 'NgModel'. Did you mean 'hasError'?

That’s super cool! Right now the default value of fullTemplateTypeCheck is false, but we can expect to see it become true in a future release. (Side note: this feature is currently a bit flaky, and I ran into issues testing it. You might want to wait 5.0.x to try it!).

The compiler is now also smarter to understand factories, and there’s thus no need to use this weird trick anymore:

export function webSocketFactory() {
  return WebSocket;

  providers: [
    { provide: WEBSOCKET, useFactory: webSocketFactory },
export class AppModule {

You can now directly write:

  providers: [
    { provide: WEBSOCKET, useFactory: () => WebSocket },
export class AppModule {


Forms have a tiny but really useful addition to their API: the ability to decide when the validity and value of a field or form is updated. This is something we already had in AngularJS 1.x, but not yet in Angular.

To do so, the FormControl allows to use an options object as the second parameter, to define the synchronous and asynchronous validators, and also the updateOn option. Its value can be:

  • change, it’s the default: the value and validity are updated on every change;
  • blur, the value and validity are then updated only when the field lose the focus;
  • submit, the value and validity are then updated only when the parent form is submitted.

So you can now do something like this:

this.passwordCtrl = new FormControl('', {
  validators: Validators.required,
  updateOn: 'blur'

It’s also possible to define this option on the FormGroup level, to have all the fields of the group behaving the same:

this.userForm = new FormGroup({
  username: '',
  password: ''
}, { updateOn: 'blur' });

This is of course also possible in template-driven form, with the ngModelOptions input of the NgModel directive:

<input [(ngModel)]="user.login" [ngModelOptions]="{ updateOn: 'blur' }">

or the new ngFormOptions input of the NgForm directive to apply on all fields:

<form [ngFormOptions]="{ updateOn: 'submit' }">

You can learn more about the plans for forms in this design docs.


The old @angular/http module is now officially deprecated and replaced by @angular/common/http, the new HttpClient introduced in 4.3. You can probably expect that @angular/http will be removed in Angular 6.0.

HttpClient has been slightly improved with Angular 5.0, as we are now able to directly use object literals as headers or parameters, whereas we had to use the classes HttpHeaders and HttpParams.

So this kind of code:

const headers = new HttpHeaders().set('Authorization', 'secret');
const params = new HttpParams().set('page', '1');
return this.http.get('/api/users', { headers, params });

can now be simplified into:

const headers = { 'Authorization': 'secret' };
const params = { 'page': '1' };
return this.http.get('/api/users', { headers, params });


Two new transition aliases are introduced: :increment and :decrement. Let’s say you want to animate a carousel with 5 elements, with a nice animation based on the index of the element displayed. You had to declare a transition like: transition('0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4', ...). With Angular 5, you can now use transition(':increment')!


The router gains two new events to track the activation of individual routes:

  • ChildActivationStart
  • ChildActivationEnd

These events are introduced to give a more fine-grained control than using the global NavigationStart/NavigationEnd events, if you for example want to display a spinner while some children components are loading.

More newsworthy, it’s now possible to reload a page when the router receives a request to navigate to the same URL. Until now it was ignoring such a request, making it impossible to build a “refresh” button.

It’s now configurable at the router level, using onSameUrlNavigation, which can receive either reload or ignore (currently the default).

providers: [
  // ...
  RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {
    onSameUrlNavigation: 'reload'


The messages extracted from your application now include the interpolations used in the template.


  Welcome to Ponyracer
  <x id="INTERPOLATION_1"/>!


  Welcome to Ponyracer
  <x id="INTERPOLATION" equiv-text="{{ user.firstName }}"/>
  <x id="INTERPOLATION_1" equiv-text="{{ user.lastName }}"/>!

This can be really helpful for the translators, as they now have a hint about the interpolations.

A notable change in i18n is that the i18n comments are now deprecated. In Angular 4, you could use:

<!--i18n: @@home.justText -->
  I don't output an element, just text

Starting with Angular 5, you are encouraged to use an already possible alternative with ng-container:

<ng-container i18n="@@home.justText">
  I don't output an element, just text

Pipes, i18n and breaking changes

More importantly, the pipes that were helping with the internationalization (number, percent, currency, date) have been completely overhauled. They don’t rely on the Intl API anymore. This internationalization API was supposed to be provided by the browser, but that was not always the case, so we had to use a polyfill, and inconsistencies between browsers (and polyfills) led to numerous bugs.

If you don’t do anything when you upgrade, you’ll use the new pipes by default. The good news is that there should be less bugs and you can remove the Intl polyfill you likely included. The bad news is that they don’t all have the same parameters and behavior as previously, and that can break your application.

Using a different locale than the default one (en-US) now requires to load additional locale data:

import { registerLocaleData } from '@angular/common';
import localeFr from '@angular/common/locales/fr';


All the i18n pipes now take a locale as their last parameter, allowing to dynamically override it:

  selector: 'ns-locale',
  template: `
    <p>The locale is {{ locale }}</p>
    <!-- will display 'en-US' -->

    <p>{{ 1234.56 | number:'1.0-3':'fr-FR' }}</p>
    <!-- will display '1 234,56' -->        
class DefaultLocaleComponentOverridden {
  constructor(@Inject(LOCALE_ID) public locale: string) { }

The currency pipe now takes a string as it second parameter, allowing to chose between 'symbol' (default), 'symbol-narrow' or 'code'. For example, with canadian dollars:

<p>{{ 10.6 | currency:'CAD' }}</p>
<!-- will display 'CA$10.60' -->

<p>{{ 10.6 | currency:'CAD':'symbol-narrow' }}</p>
<!-- will display '$10.60' -->

<p>{{ 10.6 | currency:'CAD':'code':'.3' }}</p>
<!-- will display 'CAD10.600' -->

The date pipe has several breaking changes. I won’t list them, it’s easier to check out the commit message.

All things are not lost if you want to keep the “old” pipes for now, as they have been kept in a new module DeprecatedI18NPipesModule, that you can import if you want to still use them:

  imports: [CommonModule, DeprecatedI18NPipesModule],
  // ...
export class AppModule {

Service Workers

Angular has a package called @angular/service-worker, which has been in beta for quite some time and in a different repository. It received a little bit of love with Angular 5, as it graduated to the main repository, so we can expect it to be brought to the same quality standards as the other packages, and to be out of beta soon!

If you don’t know about service workers, you can picture them as small proxies in your browser. If you activate them in an app, it allows to cache static assets, and to not fetch them on every reload, improving performances. You can even go offline, and your app can still respond!

@angular/service-worker is a small package, but filled with cool features. Did you know that if you add it to your Angular CLI application, and turn a flag on ("serviceWorker": true in .angular-cli.json), the CLI will automatically generate all the necessary stuff to cache your static assets by default? And it will only download what has changed when you deploy a new version, allowing blazingly fast application start!

But it can even go further, allowing to cache external resources (like fonts, icons from a CDN…), route redirection and even dynamic content caching (like calls to your API), with different strategies possible (always fetch for fresh data, or always serve from cache for speed…). The package also offers a module called ServiceWorkerModule that you can use in your application to react to push events and notifications!

Other breaking changes

A few things that were deprecated in Angular 4.0 have now been definitely removed.

There is a last breaking change that should not really impact you. I feel morally obligated to show it to you, but it’s totally not interesting.

If you are declaring extra providers in the platformXXXX() or bootstrapModule() methods, you now need to use the (new) StaticProvider, which is really similar to a Provider, but forces you to explicitly declare the dependencies. It does not impact the providers you declare in your modules and components, don’t worry.

So if you have something like this:

  MyCustomProviderB // depends on MyCustomProviderA

It must now be in 5.0:

  { provide: MyCustomProviderA, deps: [] },
  { provide: MyCustomProviderB, deps: [MyCustomProviderA] }

I honestly couldn’t come up with a decent real use-case, as it is quite rare to give extra providers to these methods, and this only impact the two cases in the example and not useValue, useFactory, useExisting… So I don’t think many apps will be impacted :)

On the other hand, this change allows Angular to not depend on the Reflect API, and that gives us (slightly) smaller bundles \o/.

Another change is the removal of the ES5 API to write Angular applications without decorators. This API was also depending on Reflect and is now gone.

All our materials (ebook, online training (Pro Pack) and training) are up-to-date with these changes if you want to learn more!

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